April 13, 2019

looking back

Why do you look back?
Why do you listen to older music?
Ponder over things that happened in the past?
Keep up with Elementary, HS, and college friends?

There has to be something to the reminiscing. For me, love listening to KLOVE Classics on iHeartRadio at home. It plays Christian music from the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s. Yep, almost 40 years old, but why do I listen?

It reminds of life events that occurred when that song was popular. You’ve done it before, I’m sure. You hear and song and you are transported back to that time. A little boy in Wichita, Kansas listening to KSGL. An adult living in Phoenix sharing current favorite songs with friends.

When did it stop? I’m not sure. I can tell you that I don’t remember much music between 2003 and 2013. Maybe a song here and there.

Let’s get back to the question.
Why do I look back?

It reminds me of simpler times. Parents taking care of my financial, housing, food needs. Me with very little debt and making enough for all that I need. Spending time with friends and family with few distractions.

What has changed?

Not going to elaborate because you can figure it out.
So what now?

My mom said…

Your vision is delayed but not destroyed. The devil will try to send you into depression and if that doesn’t work, he’ll try to derail you altogether. Don’t feel sick or discouraged just reevaluate and keep moving. Lift your head. It ain’t over over yet! Delay is discouraging bu necessary in some cases. With God all things are possible.

Well, I guess I’ll dust myself off, figure out the next steps and know I’ll be okay and supported when I need it.

Growth ahead.png

from WordPress http://bit.ly/2KzAsdF

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